

Turin Metropolis

Turin Metropolis

The name Turin immediately evokes the splendor of Casa Savoia, big squares, the great churches and baroque palaces, prestigious museums, the car industry and the sport. But visiting Turin means also discovering a magnificent mountains and valleys.




The cuneese area does not need great words: it tells itself. Cities full of history, lush forests, ancient traditions and stories, imposing mountains and an ever-changing landscape and food and wine tours.




In the heart of Piedmont between the Unesco hills of the Monferrato, the Asti area has lived the history of pilgrimages on the Via Francigena. Today, it is well-known for outdoor tourism and its landscapes.




The province of Alexandria is a land of multifaceted cultural expressions. A diversified historical artistic heritage, with deep and rooted content in the territory and popular culture.




A weaving of roads and paths to walk all around on foot, by bike or on horseback, to discover the many facets of the Vercelli territory. From nature to cultivation, from ecomuseums to Sacred Mountains. A mix of nature and art witness to this reality.




The province of Novara is made up of a deeply diversified landscape : from the southern plain, known for, to the northern wine hills, not forgetting the presence of two lakes basins, Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta, diamonds of the territory.




Flavors of tradition, fine wines, handicrafts and outdoor life: Biella and its province are yet another example of Piedmontese living. Mountains and parks that surround the beauties of medieval architecture and industrial archeology.


Lake Maggiore

Lake Maggiore

Land of lakes and mountains, the Lake District offers a unique profile respect to the best known and famous Piedmontese landscape: small villages span on romantic and harmonious water mirrors, enriched with churches and historic architecture.


Alba Bra Langhe Roero

Alba Bra Langhe Roero

Lands of colors, flavors and traditions, lands where the Earth has indescribable and unrivaled emotions. Famous products and a panorama that unfolds in front of the tourist's eyes make this area an inevitable appointment for those visiting Piedmont.


Lake Orta

Lake Orta

Land of lakes and mountains, the Lake District offers a unique profile respect to the best known and famous Piedmontese landscape: small villages span on romantic and harmonious water mirrors, enriched with churches and historic architecture.




Land of lakes and mountains, the Lake District offers a unique profile respect to the best known and famous Piedmontese landscape: small villages span on romantic and harmonious water mirrors, enriched with churches and historic architecture.


Ivrea and Canavese

Ivrea and Canavese

The Canavese is a splendid clump of Piemonte enclosed between the northern area of the Province of Turin and the Aosta Valley.


Lanzo Valleys

Lanzo Valleys

The Lanzo Valley, characterized by the highest peaks in the Piedmontese territory, are three large valleys of the Graie Alps that develop in the north of Val Susa


Gran Paradiso

Gran Paradiso

Gran Paradiso is the main mountain of the homonym massive of the Graie Alps; even though its peak is entirely in Valle d’Aosta, the southern part of the massif moves to Piedmont and arrives at the Colle del Nivolet.


Lands and Valleys of Susa

Lands and Valleys of Susa

Val di Susa is the largest and most populated alpine valley of Piedmont, located in the western part of the region west of Turin.


Alps of the High Valley of Susa

Alps of the High Valley of Susa

For the winter sports enthusiasts, Alta Val Susa and Val Chisone are certainly the most attractive tourist area in Piedmont.


Pinerolo and Valdesi Valleys

Pinerolo and Valdesi Valleys

Located at the outskirts of Val Chisone, at the foot of the Cozie Alps, the town of Pinerolo falls into the belt of the Metropolitan City of Turin, in the west of the province.


The hills of Po

The hills of Po

Moderate height reliefs, also known as Turin Hills, Le Colline del Po rise on the east side of the City of Turin to Castelnuovo Don Bosco, where the Leona stream marks the border with the Monferrato area.


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